Sunday, August 19, 2007

Red Bomb!!

This afternoon, when I was at the lower ground of my condo I met something which amazed me in a glimps of my eyes.I was there waiting for my friends to come and picked me up for lunch and I suddenly thought of looking at my mail box!And I saw something that really shocked me and I felt funny about it!I know its seems lame but I just feel funny about it because I was been warned lots of times too before this!!

LOL!!!Those are the warning that the TNB going to give to warn them that they are going to cut their electicty soon if they didnt pay for their bills!!HELL ALOT MAN!! =.='''


Jay said...

LOL~~~ that's a funny sight...

dareSoNIc said...

yeahh...seriously do!!

Rik no Blog said...

Sobre correio!